Saturday, January 26, 2013

Braving The Elements

Winter is out in full force here in New York. Yesterday peaked at a balmy 15 degrees and that was the high for the day! With such frigid temperatures driving folks indoors, it would only make logical sense to make the best of days like this spent cozily in bed in my pjs watching old episodes of Lost, right? Not for this girl! Two pairs of socks, five layers of clothing, one knit hat and mittens, and one heavy coat later, I marched out my front door determined to "enjoy" the winter season along the Hudson River by my apartment. Whelp, let's just say I didn't last long -- the gale-force winds and instant runny nose got the best of me. However, the day was beautifully clear and crisp (too crisp!) and made for some fantastic photos... Which are best appreciated from the comfort of a duvet-covered bed with a steaming mug of hot chocolate!

Other brave souls

Itty bitty Statue of Liberty off to the left...
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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Resolution Shmesolution

I've never been one for making New Year's resolutions. #1 I'm terrible at sticking to them, and #2 I struggle coming up with any in the first place. It's not that I don't have goals and aspirations for myself (I do?), but always end up drawing a blank on January 1st when the time comes to write down fully-formed, succinct sentences that encompass my plans for a whole calendar year. Daunting and overwhelming, it feels like a losing battle from the get-go.

That said, I do like the spirit of resolutions--the idea of a fresh start; a clean slate. The commencement of a new year offers the chance to re-asses, re-evaluate, re-examine where you are (that's a lot of "re-" words); figure out what's working or not working in your life and resolve to make any changes. As cheesy is it sounds, that little number 1 in front of the month at the beginning of a new year serves as a quiet reminder to check in with your inner-most self and make sure you're living the life you want to be living and are meant to. Cliche, but true. Isn't that why it's called a cliche?

With that in mind, upon stumbling across this little "4-Step Guide to Discovering Who You're Meant To Be" quiz from Ms. Oprah Winfrey, I thought No making a list of resolutions? Easy, basic questions to answer off the top of my head? The results of which will instantly reveal my true calling that's been hiding under my nose all this time? Perfect!

Not so fast, sister. Upon finishing filling in the questions, you're then supposed to go around the loop comparing the first answer to the second and choosing one over the other for which is more appealing to you (repeating this exercise around the entire loop four times, with the winning answer each time becoming your "top passions"). This part seemed a little hokey and far-fetched, and consequently lost my interest after a few times around the loop... So maybe I didn't actually finish the quiz, but what the heck, I still think simply going through the process of answering the questions themselves is a healthy exercise to get in touch with yourself. Admittedly, the exercise was harder than I anticipated. But in a good way. Try it. At the very least, you'll get a kick out of the answers that pop into your head first, and you never know, you could come to the miraculous conclusion that you are in fact meant to be a wildly famous and world-renowned jazz club singer crooning to adoring fans from atop a shiny baby grand piano. Wait, that's not everyone's dream too?

Here are my answers....

1. When I was a kid, I dreamed of:
Being a veterinarian. I think. I don't remember having a strong opinion on what I wanted to be when I grew up.

2. I can’t pass up a book or movie about:
Romance or Adventure

3. If I played hooky from work for a week, I’d spend the time:
One of two things. Traveling. Or, at the other end of the spectrum, puttering around the house relaxing, catching up on things that have been put off but need to get done, running errands, baking, etc. In general getting things in order because of hectic work/life schedule.

4. Most people don’t know this about me, but I really enjoy:
Baking from scratch.

5. I am the go-to person when my friends need help with:
Hmm, this is a tough one, I don’t think of myself as the “go-to” person for something in particular. Maybe for help with planning an event?

6. If I could star in my own how-to TV show, it would be about:
Fashion or Cooking/Baking. Or both!

7. If I were to make a homemade gift, it would involve:
Photos/scrap booking

8. I’ve tried it only once or twice, but I really enjoy:
Photography (obviously not the iPhone variety, but true photography with shutter speeds and the late afternoon light and even dark rooms)

9. The closest I come to a runner’s high is when I’m:
…Running? That’s actually not true, I’ve never understood that whole “runner’s high” thing when it comes to actual running. After about 3 miles in, I’m pooped and ready to quit – I never seem to be able to reach the “runner’s high” plateau everyone talks about. But, I digress. My answer to this question would probably be either the euphoria of stepping off-stage after having performed in front of a live audience (last time was in high school/college plays and musicals) or the physical endorphins-high of adrenaline after a great workout where I feel on top of the world and ready to take on anything.

10. If I won first prize in a talent show, it would be for:
Singing, I suppose. Not sure what other talents I am that great at that I would win a talent contest for.

Want to try it out for yourself? Take the test here.

Whatever life brings in 2013, whether big or small, I look forward to embracing it all with joy and laughter. Plus, if things start going south, at least I know I have that career as a jazz nightclub singer to fall back on.

2013 - let's do this!
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year's 2-For-1 Special

Happy 2013! With all the last minute gift-shopping, celebrations, and traveling over the past couple of weeks, I thought why not squeeze two posts into one to cover everything. A New Year's Two-fer special! Who doesn't love a good post-holiday deal this time of year, right?

The fam and I (sans Mom & Dad due to an unwelcome stomach bug; we missed you!) spent Christmas as we've done for the past couple of years, up at the Anderson's beautiful, cozy, quintessentially-winter cabin in Babbitt, Minnesota. The cabin, which is about a four-hour drive North of the Twin Cities, is tucked away in the snowy woodlands of "North Country" perched atop the edge of a pristine lake, offering the most breathtaking winter wonderland views you can imagine. So breathtaking in fact, that I forgot to take any pictures to share with you :) I did however, capture some moments of our weekend... Thank you Kosha and Skeeter as always for being such amazing hosts and opening up your beautiful home!

Could this face be any cuter??

Walkin' in a winter wonderland....

Carly was having some trouble with her boot. Baby bump got in the way. Justin to the rescue!

Twice-baked potatoes!
Painting our nails. One of the many "inside activities" we did.

Now for Part Two...New Year's Eve! Ringing in 2013 was one of the most memorable NYE's for me because we spent it at the Coldplay/Jay-Z concert at the newly-built Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Making our way into the shiny new stadium along with 19,000 of our closest friends, we found our seats just off the left side of the stage, with amazingly no one in front of us which is a huge win for 5'3" me (we were at the very front of our section)! As a massive Coldplay fan who has never seen them live before, I loved every minute of the concert as the band played hit after hit off almost all of their albums. Following their set, Jay-Z came on just before 12:00, counting down the crowd to the New Year with a mass of confetti and balloons bursting from the rafters at the stroke of midnight. A New Year's Eve to remember, that's for sure! 

Getting excited!
Look at us! In our seats!

Coldplay on stage

Jay-Z and Coldplay's lead singer Chris Martin rocking it out together!
A sea of light-up wristbands. So cool!
Wristbands unite.

Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy 2013!
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