Thursday, February 14, 2013

From My Heart To Yours

Happy Valentine's Day to all you love bugs out there! In spite of the cheesy hallmark nature of the holiday, I like to think of today as just another chance to tell your family, friends and loved ones that you heart them. So get to it! XO

Photo credit: StudioDIY

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Nerdy Life Goals

For someone who doesn't do resolutions, this post sure looks a lot like a list of resolutions. However, it's really more a bunch of longer-term goals and ideas that have been taking up a significant amount of space in my brain lately and refuse to vacate. Ding ding! They must be important to me. To e-ink and e-paper they go!

My Goals:
  • Travel more. Whether it's two miles away or 2,000, I want to go/see/experience it.
  • Visit my family more often. These days, the norm is seeing them at Thanksgiving, Christmas and 1-2 other times throughout the year. Unacceptable! Frequent flier miles here I come.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator in my apartment building every day. It's five measly flights, yet shockingly weeze-inducing.
  • Blog more often. The process of putting my thoughts to digital paper and sending them out into the ether of the internet universe has become, to my surprise, something I truly enjoy. Carving out the time is the most difficult part.
  • Cook/Bake more and try out new recipes. Also something recently discovered that I'm surprised to find I love. Plus, I already have an eager taste-tester waiting in the wings with Kevin!
  • Take more pictures. My older and wiser self will look back at them some day and thank me.
  • Work on being less of an emotional eater and more on constructively managing anxiety, pressure, and uncertainty (hello stress eating). Embarrassing to admit, but heck, we're all friends here right? If I can't say it to the faceless, anonymous walls of the interwebs, then when can I.
These are the biggies that have been rattling around my head. More to come I'm sure. What are some of YOURS?

Thanks for listening blogosphere!

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