Monday, April 29, 2013

Twelve-Hour Travel Itch

So it may not be a purchased plane ticket to an exotic destination, but this handy 12 Hours Guide (recently discovered from the lovely blog Sho & Tell) might actually bring me closer to following through on my "Life Goal" of traveling more often. For me, the planning of a trip is the hardest part. Just contemplating the figuring out of where to stay, what to see and do, where to eat, all under the watchful eye of Miss Wallet, usually leaves me feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to begin. Result: very little travel. But the 12Hour team essentially plans out a day for you, including unique sites to visit and hotel suggestions, with fun instructions and commentary on what not to miss. Short, sweet and to the point. I've got my eye on the Antwerp tour (because, why the heck not). Here are some lovely photos from that city's guide for your enjoyment...

Do you enjoy planning trips? What are some favorite places you've visited?
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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ailey Is Here

I'm an aunt for the first time. Feels strange to type and say out loud, but exciting in a life-changing way. Although my name doesn't exactly roll off the tongue when paired with the word Aunt. Auntie Ana? A.A.? Still working on it.

Flying into Minnesota on Thursday afternoon, after getting the call the previous night that Carly was headed to the hospital with pre-labor contractions, I was overwhelmed with nervous excitement. How am I supposed to hold her? Will she immediately burst into tears? Then what do I do? What if I drop her? All legitimate fears, I would say.

Unfortunately, the Minnesota weather gods had other plans--ones that involved lots of snow, plane delays and more snow. This is how St. Paul, Minnesota likes to do mid-April:

Ailey has a liftime of balmy springs to look forward to, that's for sure. 

Weather aside, this entire weekend has been filled with pure joy. None of my family members, including my parents who flew in from Seattle and Justin's parents who drove down from upstate MN in a literal blizzard, can wipe the smiles from our faces. We probably look like a bunch of crazies with a few screws loose. But who cares, let's cut to the chase--the BABY!!

Ailey Roselynn Anderson was born healthy as can be on Thursday, April 18th at 2:54am weighing in at 7 lbs 11 oz.

My sister of course rocked the delivery, popping that little thing out in no time. Arrived at the hospital at midnight. Baby born and nursing by 3:00am. Carly is superhuman, no doubt about it.

Once the rest of us arrived at the hospital, we quickly morphed into a swarming mass of paparazzi, little Ailey becoming a prop in the quest for the perfect photo op. But I think she enjoyed all the attention. She certainly better get used to the spoiling, because there's more from where that came from.

The grandparents!

The next day, we welcomed Carly, Justin and Ailey home from the hospital in true paparazzi form with multiple photographers and a sign!

Their dog Naddie was probably the most excited to see them back home, since they had been at the hospital for three days straight and had left, understandably, in a traumatic rush!

Of course, the first day home from the hospital was filled with a lot of Ailey firsts.

Her first wear of "real" non-hospital issued socks...

 Her first diaper change at home (as Naddie looks on intrigued)...

Her first manicure...Just kidding, we are actually only filing her nails with a mini nail filer. Yes, this is a real doctor-ordered thing!

Many more firsts to come!

Carly and Justin did an amazing job with Ailey's nursery too. I mean, just look at that rocking chair.

Can't wait for more Ailey firsts.

If you have any advice for new parents, please share, I know Carly and Justin would welcome it!
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hello BlogLovin'

This li'l blog is now on Bloglovin. Apparently it's what all the cool kids were using way before the demise of Google Reader. It allows you to easily find and follow all of your favorite blogs in one place (including mine of course). So check it out! You'll be a cool-kid in no time.

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

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