Monday, February 10, 2014

The Weekend In A New York Minute

This weekend featured a lot of indoor activities: reading, Olympics watching, internet perusing, scrabbling. With one beautifully-snowcapped Central Park exception.

Sticky Notes | My mom sent me this book, Manuscript Found in Accra by Paulo Coelho with more sticky notes attached than there are pages. Am I supposed to actually read it or just refer to the flagged Clif Notes version? Clearly the book spoke to her. Hoping it does for me as well, though I'll need to stock up on post-its first. Have any of you read it? Thoughts?

Scrabble Saturday | Saturday night was a real wild one, let me tell you. Grammar took a bash to the face while spelling & vocabulary tumbled out the window along with the dictionary. All in the name of Scrabble!

Winter White | Since we all enjoy bemoaning the winter doldrums this time of year, especially when uppity guests like Polar Vortex and Snowpocalypse overstay their welcome, it's nice to know a few New Yorkers (Central Park I'm looking at you) can keep it together under such inclement circumstances. White truly is her color.

Seattle Street Style | I'm sorry if you're sick of hearing Seattle this and Seattle that, but the Emerald City holds a soft, mushy place in my heart from which bouts of nostalgia gush forth periodically (especially during Macklemore-SuperBowl-Seattle-is-having-a-moment times like these), so please bear with me. The latest to tug at my heartstrings is this lovely street style blog I discovered over the weekend. Dana Landon, the photographer and author behind it, has a simple yet captivating style that's completely delightful. New posts appear daily, so check out It's My Darlin' for a dose of inspiration and a peek into the style of Pacific Northwesters. No flannel in sight. Side note: another equally great street photography blog is the ubiquitous Humans of New York.

Enjoy your Monday!
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1 comment:

  1. Can't stand it another minute....your writing is delightful!!!
